Aug 16: Epic Loop

It's just another magic Monday (Woah, woah)
Glad it's not Sunday (Woah, woah)
'Cause Monday's my fun day (Woah, woah, woah, woah)
My I get to Draft day (Woah, woah)
It's just another magic Monday

15 Drafters were Crystal Clear on how they wanted to spend their magic Monday. And nearly all got the memo on wearing the Hincapie Beer and Sprocket jersey!

Vilks, Z Wrecks, GrannyZilla, Squirrel, Han Solo, Queenie, Keez, Octane, Pipes and Cookie Monster

The A team was small but mighty. Tick Tock arrived to find no one home, and not trusting that more members of the A team would show up at 5PM, set out solo. Have faith, my friend.

A team: Rimshot, KickA**KK, Skipper and Tick Tock (not pictured)

Crystal Lake wasn't exactly crystal clear but beautiful nonetheless.

Rimshot pulled KickA**KK, as she begins the long descent into bonk land. She's advocating for a name change to BonKK. Keez and BrickO made the turn onto Mussen Rd in Lodi, where they begin their feline rescue mission, with a little Uber help from Squirrel. If orthopedic surgery doesn't work out for Squirrel, the Human Society will definitely scoop him up.

The post-draft Draft was livelier than usual. No attempt will be made to weave a common thread through these various conversation snippets, or even give them context. GrannyZilla forgot lube. Squirrel tamed a puss. Vilks and GrannyZilla compared the effect of nightly sauna use (not together) on heat shock protein synthesis. GrannyZilla and Sully reviewed 18 holes. "When did Drafter conversations include GOLF???", rebelled Tick Tock.

Sully, Squirrel, GrannyZilla, BonKK, Vilks, Han Solo, Octane, Z Wrecks, Chief, Skipper, Tick Tock, Rimshot and Keez

The Ride Across the West reunion started with frolicking in the yard (Sully, Vilks and Chief) and ended with wine tasting, well past bedtime.

Here is your weekend recap: A few Drafters had tired legs thanks to Race Day Events bringing back the Dairyland Dare. Congrats to RDE for resurrecting a beautiful and challenging 200k!

The Dairyland Dare crew: Vilks, Z Wrecks and BrickO

Skipper did a different kind of Dare, standing in a rain soaked mosh pit at Utica Fest to hear Queenie's SuperTuesday band, followed by a tractor pull competition. Little unknown fact for most Drafters: Allice -Chalmers and Farmall tractors are in different divisions. Would't it be great if cyclists could compete in a division with matched power to mass ratios???? Brilliant.

Keez was double fisted this weekend, racing Age Group Nationals in Milwaukee on Saturday (Olympic) and Sunday (sprint). BrickO, Romeo, Pipes and Pipette were there to cheer her on.

Ninja represented the Drafters in Green Bay. They have a different flare when it comes to fueling stations.

Ninja is ensuring there is no caloric deficit in her cycling event!

Sandlot and LuLu have been Drafter friends on Strava, but finally drafted together during the Sunday roll. Wow. My heart be still.

LuLu and Sandlot kindle their Drafter relationship beyond Strava!

Vintage and Thing One have been logging some altitude training days in CO before T1 starts medical school later this month. She'll go to some very high places in her career!

Thing One and Vintage getting high in CO

Belle and Bomber are also habitating in Colorado. Sending lots of hemoglobin love to Belle as she prepares for the Steamboat Gravel 150k on Sunday!

Speedy, BrickO and Footer can only imagine getting dirty in Steamboat. GO BELLE!!!

Please allow a retraction from the blog last week. 29 Drafters did not draft. 19 did. The secretary appears to need remedial Excel training, as she counted one Drafter 11 times.

Looking ahead to next week, Cannibal PROMISES not to bail on Garden Drinks. We will draft the Epic Loop, which is basically the Riley Tavern route (short pour) with a little extension through Epic.

Ride with GPS Link Short Pour Riley Tavern

Any volunteers to host the Draft on Monday Aug 23? We will be getting dirty in the Blue Ridge Mountains and not able to host the post-draft draft.

Draft responsibly,



Aug 23 Cannibal Special


Crystal Lake Aug 9