Historic Viaduct Aug 2
There were a total of seventeen Drafters in 3.5 pours. The 4:30 B group included the usual suspects, plus Kick A** KK, to really make the B team Bad Ass. Always great to have a former professional enlisted in the Draft to keep us humble. Cannibal: Is that a GIRL ahead of us? Queenie: Why is she doing hill repeats while I'm still climbing? KickA**KK: I'm headed back to Italy to lead some tours. I have to be more fit than the clients. Good point. We are happy to provide KK with the hills to kick Cannibal's a**.
Squeak showed up at 4:45 to an empty bike corral. "Am I really early or really late?" Well, Squeak, you are both. Off she went to enjoy some alone time. The 5PM crew seemed to shrink with the 94-degree temperature and high humidity.
Badger was looking a bit green in the lineup, until her peeps showed up for the "shot" Turkey Trot.
Skipper and BrickO led out the Draft on Schneider Road, reminiscing about their RAW fitness. Oh, how fast it fades. They were done with their magnificent pull well before Schneider Rd came to an end. BrickO: I was waiting for you to slow down. Skipper: Well, I was waiting for you to slow down. Dedicated to the Draft, but perhaps overestimating their abilities, matches were burned 10 miles into the ride.
The climb up County KP was a bugger. With the poor pavement conditions and a tractor behind pushing the pace (notice the yellow sign), it was every Drafter for him/her/their self.
There was a magical moment in the Draft when (nearly) all riders rendezvoused on Otto Kerl Rd. Drone Master may have taken the "shot-cut" home and Squeak was still enjoying her quiet time. Loose Screw was initiated into the Flat Tire Club, but all else was quiet on the Turkey Trot front.
Some absentees were Drafting elsewhere:
If you are looking for some ride opportunities this weekend, please join BrickO's Drafters in the Lake Ripley Ride on Saturday at 8AM. The largest donation will earn a free entry into the Greenville Hincapie Gran Fondo.
On Sunday, join us for an easy roll at 10AM. Text BrickO for details. The Sunday roll last week included 4 Drafters:
PUT AUGUST 3 ON YOUR CALENDAR.... K2 is delivering her PhD defense!! And the Hincapie Store closes for 2021 Drafter Gear. We will not reopen the store again this year, so don't delay.
Happy Birthday to Coach Arms on Aug 4. Sully gave her the gift of golf. The green represent a circle of cycling. Sully introduced BrickO to the sport 30 years ago (believe it or not, BrickO was not happy about it) and Coach Arms is responsible for nudging BrickO to host the the first Draft. 8 years later, there are 133 cyclists in our Drafter family.
Next week we will ride the historic Viaduct route. As of today, Pheasant Branch is still closed. If that remains the case on Monday, we will cut through Middleton Hills over to High Street, headed north, and then take Balzer back to Pheasant Branch. Short Pour Option: Stay on Viaduct (do not turn left onto Bonetti) to cut off a few northern most miles and hills. Shot Option: out and back to Dane.
Draft responsibly,