Back In Black: June 14

Full Circle. That was the theme at the Monday night Draft, which enlisted 2 Newbies, Squirrel and Thor, for a respectable line up of 22 Drafters.

Drafter beginnings weren't intentional. In fact, it is fair to say that BrickO had the brakes on when it came to biking. Every Saturday during their weekly racquetball duel, Sully kept planting, cultivating and watering the seed. When she switched from water to beer, the seed grew and BrickO decided to give biking a roll. Complaints were loud and plentiful on their first road trip, but Sully was not deterred or discouraged in her recruitment efforts. Epic success. Quickly indoctrinated into the college of n+1, BrickO's college commuter bike gained a sibling. A motorcycle was sold in order to buy a gently used Kestrel from Herkert (Drafter handle Thor), a fellow racquetball player and bike racer (amongst other athletic successes). The circle was complete on Monday night when both Thor enlisted in the Draft and Sully watered the seeds.

Sully and Thor bring the Draft full circle

The B for Badass Team was in full strength... after a short recess to allow time for Special K to arrive. Don't judge. The Garanimals trend set by Pipes last week seems to have taken hold. Mix and match your Drafter kits responsibly.

Court in recess until Special K makes an appearance

B Team: Squirrel, Z Wrecks, Squeak, Cookie Monster, Speedy, Pipes, Footer, Daisy, Pitstop and Duracell

Cookie Monster was off to a slow start, which she attributed to 2 months of battling a bug and chasing after a very spirited and recently mobile daughter. Waiting until the busiest road to pull over and head back, she realized her rear brake had been on (with her second doctorate near complete, you'd think....). Squeak continued to experience brake issues (hence her Drafter handle), which served her better than Cookie Monster. A deer crossing the road had ample warning when Squeak hit the brakes. She is currently seeking a patent for her deer horn device.

Footer, Special K, Pipes and Cookie Monster: Godspeed once the brakes were released

A Team: Rimshot, Blurple, LuLu, Thor and Gopher

Our two Newbies demonstrated slightly different riding styles. Why did the Squirrel cross the road? No idea. But this Squirrel is no ordinary rodent. He and Z Wrecks diverted from the main course to climb Cleveland Rd, and with a powerful combination of rodent and dinosaur teamwork, caught back up to the the rest of the Badasses.

Why did Thor put the hammer down? To bring the thunder. Holy crap. Cleveland Road tested mortal strength, but clearly Norse Gods are immune. The lead group could hear the thunder as Thor dropped the hammer and sped away, leaving us to ponder our mortal dust. Gopher and LuLu somehow managed to avoid Cleveland Hill until now, as noted in the Strava title "What??? A New Hill??!!"

Turns out that hammers and gavels were issued along with diplomas in the 80s at Middleton High School.

Thor and Special K dropping the hammer and gavel, respectively and respectably.

Thor may have dropped the hammer on Cleveland Road, but Badger with her short legs designed for digging and fearless attitude charged the hill. But first... she circled the ground contemplating the challenge. Badgers are known for attacking competitors with far greater size and strength, and so she went for it (attacking the hill from a dead stand still), taking Columbus and Daisy with her!

Two Drafters weren't in the starting line up, but get credit for riding the course. Tick Tock noted for the record that he opted out of climbing Cleveland Rd & Deer Run Rd not because he doesn't like a challenge, but because it is a dead end. If not diplomatic, forever pragmatic, "I'm not climbing a f'in hill to nowhere."

"I'm not climbing a f'in hill to nowhere!"

Skipper road the route backwards due to a late start (guess the Drafters only wait for Special K), but came through with a spectacular Wisco photo.

Thor, Pipes and Cookie Monster on Enchanted Valley

Backyard drafting was at its finest, featuring drinking beer grasped between two toes. Dr. Wampus wasn't there to assess the foot and ankle mechanics required for such a feat, but we hope she makes a debut soon.

Footer, Special K, Thor, Booker J, Z Wrecks, Pipes, Pitstop, Squeak, Cookie Monster, Sully, Captain and Tennille, Tick Tock, Skipper, Duracell, Speedy (pano ran out of feed for Rimshot and Blurple)

Cookie Monster and Sully visit with Captain and Tennille & the Drafter mascot while Pipes ices her knee responsibly in her Garanimals outfit.

Ninja couldn't join the Draft, but sent dirty bike porn from an undisclosed location.

New MTB day!!

The route for Monday, June 14 will include the infamous Black Hill, hence the route name Back In Black. But you should Draft in green. Last call for Hincapie Drafter gear, including "guns" jerseys. Store closes June 12. Smoke em' if ya got em'.

RidewithGPS link Back in Black

Reminder: Drafter Yoga with Pipes begins Tuesday, June 29, 7AM at Indoorance. Garanimals encouraged but not required. Let the record reflect that some participants may barter with Pipes, Special K is paying the full $100 for 12 sessions.

Draft responsibly,


Spring (Valley) Returns June 21


When In Doubt, Climb