Formidable Festge: June 7

We experienced record high Drafter Lodi Canning Co. attendance! The order included three "shots", one short pour, and the rest full strength drafts for a total of 27, including one newbie, Vi-King!! Donning a STOTON Cycling jersey, we welcome this Vi-King from the Norwegian Ghetto (said with love, as one of them).

Badger, Columbus and Daisy prepare to do a "A SHOT"

Retro is definitely in!

Starting Line Up: Pit Stop, Queenie, Speedy, Duracell, Pipes, Coach Arms and Footer

Short Pour: Pipes shows up in her Garanimals mix and match Hincapie kit

Happy Anniversary! Speedy and Duracell have been together so long their bikes are starting to look alike.
First Team Roll Out

Vintage rolls in with the Drafter version of an Uber service for beverages.

Vilks rolls in with new Hincapie bibs but forgot his jersey. Maybe he can ask Pipes where to find the nearest Garanimals outlet?

One thing NOT forgotten is the snot rocket LuLu launched a few weeks back. He came bearing a fully customized shield for BrickO's protection. Draft responsibly.

A Team: Tick Tock, Blurple, Vintage, Gopher, LuLu, Rimshot, Vi-King and PDQ

A Team Part B: Thing One, Loose Screw and Skipper

Rimshot picks up a metal shard in the driveway, threatening to flat before take up. Perhaps it was the GroupMe challenge Cannibal posted hours before about Rimshot bringing us home in the headwind. 27 strong, we are (eventually) dressed and off.

Left Line: LuLu, Vilks, Vintage, Gopher, PDQ. Right Line: Cannibal, Blurple, Bush Latte, Rimshot and Vi-King. First Out of Line: BrickO (photo complements of Thing 1)

It should be noted that this is the only proof, and coincidently the only instance, whereby BrickO took a pull. The Big Kids invited her to the table, and she really wanted to behave up to their standards. However, after one pull, she fell off her booster seat and had to pedal quietly for the rest of the Draft sucking on a wheel. There is rumor of QOMs being acquired, but according to Drafter Bylaw 13.13.13.ABC, no Drafter shall claim QOM or any other measure of success if not able to pull his or her own weight. Skipper, Cannibal, Blurple and Vilks... thanks for the wheels. Looks like I best put my training wheels back on.

First to reach Lodi Canning Co! Pitstop, Queenie, Coach Arms, Duracell, Speedy and Footer

Skipper takes the helm for the first half of the Draft. Happy to follow: Tick Tock, BrickO, LuLu, Blurple, Vilks, Bush Latte et al.

Shortly after this photo was taken, Busch Latte dropped a chain on Meek Rd, one of the steeper climbs, and disappeared from future photos until later in the Draft.

A rough patch on Riddle Rd but Lodi Springfield smooth as Rim Shot and Blurple take in the Lodi Marsh landscape

Loose Screw's first Draft of the season and he performs some sort of David Copperfield disappearing act. Stymied by the construction, his secret short cut was revealed.

Coach Arms and Speedy, our former D1 hockey plays and current and retired Badger coaches, respectively, run a box drill to prevent being over taken by the A Team.

Who let the dogs out? Pipes, T1, Vintage, Tick Tock, PDQ, Loose Screw, Z Wrecks, Vilks, Skipper, Pit Stop, Rim Shot, Speedy, Duracell, Blurple, Busch Latte, Cannibal, Footer and Coach Arms

DRAFTER LOST AND FOUND: out team Physical Therapists and Biomechanists have been contemplating the counter-forces required to keep the avid cyclist upright. With a monster posterior chain comes the counter balance requirement. Anybody drop this out of their bibs?

Dual purpose? Or counter weight camouflaged as an ice bag?

The Wednesday Dirty Draft was small but mighty. Great to see LuLu, Vintage, Air Bourne Company, Speedy and her off spring out getting dirty.

Junior Dirty Drafters with Attitude.

Howling Wolff has BrickO doing just that. Oooooooowhoo!!!

A shout out to a few Drafters out in the wild:

Slow Cow has petitioned for a name change from Slow Cow to Care Bear. The Executive Board will convene upon Slow Cow's return (now at mile 300) and vote on this unusual request. Check out his hiking adventures at: Adventure Guy

Footer & The Legend celebrating a victory at the Lake Ripley Barefoot Tournament. And I thought the Leadville 100 was a big belt!

You too can be a winner. Sign up as a team member of BrickO's Drafters for the MOVEBGC July 17 or/and the Lake Ripley Ride July 31 and WIN A FREE ENTRY TO THE HINCAPIE GREENVILLE GRAN FONDO on October 23. The Drafter who raises the most money for the Boys and Girls Club or/and JRDF will receive one free entry to this amazing event. Lodging may also be included, although beds are going fast. If you choose to play but don't win, use code SBRICKSON for 20% off.

There is a virtual Ride for Mental Health on June 23-24 (or in person in NY on June 19-20). Entry is $75 and includes a Hincapie Jersey! Super value and a super cause. Consider it. Not sure of the logistics, but entertaining a group ride on those days to help stop the stigma.

Feeling blue? Go green! Several Drafters have shown remorse for not jumping on the new kit order and would like a second chance. Stout- don't procrastinate this time. The Hincapie Store will open after Memorial Day. This will likely be the last time to order a kit in 2021, so don't miss out. PLEASE EMAIL ME IF INTERESTED.

Also, I HAVE NEW NEVER WORN MEN'S MEDIUM VELOCITY RACE CUT, MEN'S LARGE AXIS CLUB CUT in this 2021 design, along with a WOMEN'S MEDIUM AXIS Sprocket 2020 jersey for sale (discount if you ask nicely).

2021 Drafter Kits coming soon

For those who ordered Drifit shirts from SweatVac... they are coming soon. Supply is low and demand is high, but they will be here before the snow flies. And I can still take orders (I think).

Lastly, DRAFTER YOGA IS BACK! Or at least, it looks promising. Indoorance is a "country club for endurance athletes" located on the W Beltline Hwy near Seminole. They have a studio that may work beautifully for Drafter yoga (not that the VFW didn't provide a fine floor to make gains). A recent poll indicates TUESDAY 7AM to be the most popular time. Pipes will be forthcoming with details. As the survey was anonymous (screwed that up, again), please email or text her if you would like to join the fun.

Loose Screw is taking no chances in Child's Pose. Draft responsibly.

MEMORIAL DAY RIDE WILL BE HOSTED BY CANNIBAL. This will be a Century Ride at 6AM leaving from Fitchburg to Ja Ja Janesville and back. Expect average speed of 20mph and 3800ish feet of climbing. Group size is 8-10 and growing. See GroupMe for details.

The following week, we will return to our normal Drafting channel at 5PM from Middleton Hills to tackle the Formidable Festge on June 7.

RidewithGPS link Formidable Festge

Draft responsibly,



Drafter Yoga (and jerseys)
