Lodi Canning Co, May 24
Fashion. Clearly the theme of Monday's Draft.
Vogue and GQ are in a bidding battle for an exclusive interview with the The Drafter's Cannibal, master of Garden Drinks and Apron Fashion calendar contender. Apron stock shot up 200% after the Monday night Draft, as men and boys all over the world stripped the shelves of aprons. The careful tailoring exposes just enough quadriceps to make one wonder, "just how big is it?" Straps are tastefully adjusted to cover the chest without impeding motion required to grasp 4 Solo cups. The apron falls away to allow arm pit aeration, a functional feature for post-draft odiferous emanations. The flip flop accents the ensamble by highlighting the bike sock tan lines.
A dozen Drafters drafted the roads around Verona, although some of them off course.
Calling all Drafter fashionistas to Lodi Canning Co on Monday May 24, departing at 5PM from Middleton Hills. New Hincapie Drafter gear is encouraged. If your kit doesn't fit the way you'd hoped, let me know. Usually, there is some swapping that can be negotiated within our Drafter family. Speaking of new.. Footer has a new Cervelo ride! She will likely leave at 5:30 and still be first to finish.
Short Pour Option:
Looking for a Drafter Team ride? Here are two:
MOVE4BGC July 17 Registration Link
Lake Ripley Ride July 31 Registration Link
Draft responsibly,