The Beast Awaits, May 10
Mother Nature may have saved us from the Beast on Monday, but the Beast is patient and eagerly awaits our arrival next Monday, May 10. For those looking for a bit more beauty, you can bypass the Beast (see map below). Team departure at 5PM, drinks to follow. Romeo and Keez will be home from ISU and ready to draft, so plan to carbo load accordingly.
RidewithGPS link: Beast of Barlow
Z Wrecks, Vilks and BrickO faced a different Beast over the weekend. Looking Glass covered a wee bit over 8000 feet of climb, perfect 70 degree temperatures, not a wisp of wind, and without so much as a pot hole or angry driver. A huge thanks to Blue Ridge Adventures for hosting such a wonderful event. And to our RAW Crew Chief, Lynnie Lou, for supporting us all day.

Before and after photos. No mechanicals, body or bike.
I'm listening to a TED talk by Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist, about confident humility. That is, surrounding yourself with people who challenge you. The strength I have gained from being around this crew of strong people extends beyond the bike (and the bar). Like most Drafters, I'm not very good at talking about myself. It is, in fact, prohibited as outlined in Drafter bylaw 3.1A.3VC. However, Vilks insisted that I post this post-race excerpt. I do believe allowing others to do something nice for you is, once in awhile, a sign of strength, too. And so, here I go....
To be added to this week’s blog- you’ve earned it!!
The rhododendrons were Red
The Ridges were Blue
BrickO kicked my ass in the Looking Glass Tour
and she smoked a Columbian Chica too!
I requested a guest spot on this week’s Drafters’ blog on account of we all know just how humble our fearless leader is, somebody has to brag on her behalf. Z and Vilks got a front row seat to what was one helluva historic performance. From mile 1 to mile 101, BrickO was’a dazzling and’a dancing all over her pedals. There would be no denying what was rightfully hers, neither the steep, long climbs nor the whizzing and winding descents would stop her. She pulled away early and often as the road grades turned from 0 to 16% (first long climb was equivalent to 4 trips up blue mounds- bottom to top), and she did more than her fair share of pulling for those less capable on the flats. It was an absolute joy to witness (when I was close enough to do so that is). Hard work pays, you proved that in spades BrickO. Good on ya kid, good on ya! ~ Vilks
Confident humility also states that you are secure enough in your strengths to acknowledge your weaknesses. I did not smoke the young woman from Columbia. The only reason I took first on the podium is that there was a mix up with her registration (ie. she wasn't registered). We both knew, however, who brought the stronger game on game day.
Speaking of game day... we had 13 Dirty Drafters show up at Blackhawk last Wednesday. Let's keep it going this week, pending the dirt drying up. Speedy and kiddos, Footer, BrickO, Captain Joe, Tick Tock, Kubi, Squeak and her entire family.

Draft responsibly,