Ring of Fire
The last ride in August was perhaps the most scenic. Pleasant Valley and Old Indian were new to many Drafters, but riding them felt as old as time itself. The staggered start for this 40 mile adventure spread out 16 Drafters, but all came together at the Ring of Fire.
Ring of Fire may have you thinking of the Man in Black, but you should be thinking about the US Forest Service.
With a Drafter’s hat and bottle, and a kit of Hincap-ies you will
find him on Glacier Ridge always sniffin’ at the breeze. People
stop and pay attention when he tells em’ to be-ware, ‘cause
ev’-ry-bo-dy knows that he’s the fire pre-ventin’ Chair.
You can take a tip from Speedy and there’s nothin’ like a blow, cause they’re
good for spreading Covid and igniting flames real slow, you just
have to look a-round you and you’ll find it’s not a joke, to
see what you’d be mis-sin’ if you weren’t blinded by the smoke.
You can call upon the Bomber and he’ll make you feel the heat, you won't
cough and choke and tear up any -more, you won’t retreat. He will
let you take his pizza and pre-tend he’s not so smart, but
don’t you dis his fire for he has Pyro in his heart.
NO RIDE ORGANIZED DRAFTER LABOR DAY. The following Monday, Sept 14, we will be departing from Cannibal's house between 4:30 and 5PM. Garden drinks will be provided. The route looks to be roughly 25miles. Check GroupMe for the address and hopefully cue sheet/map/GPS link will be provided before the gin.
Draft responsbily,