Giving Church One More Try
The past two Mondays we have heard the sound of thunder. How far off we sat and wondered. I started humming a song from 1972.I was a little too slow could have used better quadsTight lycra shorts hardly renownHe was a green-helmeted beauty with big strong thighsDrafter kit of his own, green and brightLycra green and brightOut past the cornfields where the woods got heavyOut in the saddle seat of my 64 Colnago-ee (?)Workin on new routes without any cluesWorkin on our draft movesTryin to make some frontpage cycling newsWorkin on the draft movesIn the summertimeMmm in the sweet summertimeWe weren't Cat 1, oh no far from itWe weren't searchin for some Blue Mound State Park summitWe were just old and restless and boredLivin 6 feet apart, oh LordAnd we'd steal away every chance we couldTo the Hyer Loop, to Spring Valley, or the trusty woodsI drafted him, he drafted me, but neither one caredWe were gettin our shareWorkin on our draft movesTryin to lose the Monday rainout bluesWorkin on our draft movesMmm and it was summertimeMmm sweet summertime summertimeOhhhWe are going to shed the bad weather mojo surrounding Back Door to Church and ride a slightly shorter route on Monday July 6. This should alleviate the angst many were feeling (though most of you have completed this route at some point over the past two weeks), and lengthen our beer drinking, pizza eating time in the back yard. DEPARTURE from Glacier Ridge Road at 5PM.
RideGPS LinkDownload Map and Cue sheet: Short Cut Back Door to ChurchIf anyone is interested in some July 4th pedaling ideas, here is the map and cue sheet for the 70 mile route I posted to Black Earth- Hyde- Blue Mounds: Hyde Blue Mound Cue SheetIn other cycling news: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 18 DRAFTERS WHO ENTERED THE POLISH MOON RIDE. We rocked it, around the moon and back. No other team came close in numbers of riders or miles. Well done. Look for beer and t-shirts coming soon, according to the BikeFed website. There was some suspicious behavior not conductive to the spirit of the game, but we will take the high road on our victory lap. And not mention how a rider signed up on the last day, back logging miles to oust Vilks from first place. Or a rider who waited to enter her last 3 rides until after BrickO's were posted, cluthing victory by 2.57 miles. These things are not worth mentioning. I couldn't be more proud of the Drafters. We represent the spirit of cycling at a time when spirits are hard to keep high and light. Well done.
Rain has been a foe to the Wednesday Dirty Draft as well, but yesterday we were able to get dirty at Quarry Ridge. Huge thanks to Skipper and Porkchop for their coaching tips. Footer and BrickO learned how to better handle the trail and some key MTB phrases: chunder, schralping loam, OTB (over the bars).