Formidable Festge

Thirteen Drafters pedaled toward the light.  Amen. Hallelujah.  Technically, only a dozen Drafters actually made it to Church.  Skipper, despite extending the route to 70miles, took a wrong turn and never made it to Church.  Instead, he was christened into the 2020 Flat Tire Club.  A former champion of the Flat Tire Club, he lost his way but is now home. Please pay attention to his calories "consumed."[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="6240,6243"]Successful Churchgoers pictured below.[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="6231,6242,6234,6237,6235,6236,6241"]Climate change may not account for hell freezing over.  The appearance of the Dark Drafter may be a more probable cause.  We've waited a very long time for the return of the Dark Knight. He made one appearance before the Drafters became an offical franchise in 2013, sanbagging his way to the yellow jersey.  One and done, he went out on top.  And now he's back.The Dark Drafter does need a little green.  Pipes' daughter, Pipette, has a solution.  References upon request.The ride next week will meet the Formidable Festge. This is more of a "hub" type route, intended to provide opportunities to venture off on various spokes.  Footer and Skipper have been indulging in extra miles (like 70 of them), and I would hate to cramp their drafting style with a piddly 32 mile excursion. The photo destination is the Festge park sign at the top of Scherbel Road. You should appreciate the generosity of adding a slight detour on Cleveland Rd and Deer Run Rd, adding a little appetizer before the 20% entree.Link:GPS Formidable FestiveDownload PDF cuesheet and map: Formidable FestgeOff the road and on to trail news, the  inagural Dirty Draft at Pleasant View was quite pleasant.  We started with 9, and ended with 8. An additional equiment failure category  will be added to the year end awards ceremony to recognize the broken spoke.  Better a broken spoke than a broken bone, right Z Wrecks? Let's get dirty again tomorrow (Wednesday).  Look for confirmation on GroupMe. Meet at the end entrance of Blackhawk at 5PM.  Or, if you are Vintage and Thing 1, meet at the John Muir trails to get dirty.

Other news: the Hincapie order has shipped and should arrive tomorrow.  Be sure to manage your FedEx account for indiriect signature if you won't be home.  Because there are so, so many other places to be during lockdown.Draft responsibly,BrickO


Disenchanted: Do No Draft Enchanted Valley

