Go Fish!
What travels over 40 mph and generates less watts than a light bulb? Bob Dylan knows.The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the windThe answer is blowin' in the windNo credit can be taken for choosing a route with a tail wind to deliver us home, but I will claim it anyway. 15 Drafters showed Brains and Brawn on a climb that ruthlessly "levels out" at 14% before nipping at the quads with a 15% bite.

The ride for Monday April 27 will be Go Fish! My Dad and I used to play that game for hours, until advancing to Crazy 8s and eventually Buck 'Em. I no longer play cards. One trip home from college, I found myself in a bar in my home town of Edgerton, playing Buck 'Em with a group of guys. They were loud and obnoxious, and I thought I had more brains (and brawn for that matter) than all of them put together. Confidently I antied up, placed my bet, and lost more in one hand than I had brought to the table. I slunk to the bar where my Dad was having a beer and asked him to cover my debt. On the quiet ride home he said only this, "I hope you learned your lesson." That I did. The late great Kenny Rogers heeded the same warning, "You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run." I tried that and decided biking was a faster escape. Anyway... back to Go Fish.
The road between Fish and Crystal Lake is still closed, and is the photo destination for the Go Fish! ride. The recon route through Dane to Lee is more scenic that the map below. Since my secretary is on furlough, we are taking the path more trodden (read: less work to post). Ride whichever route makes your heart sing, so long as your picture is taken in front of the Road Closed barricade.
PDF map to download: Crystal 36Garmin link: Middleton Hills to Crystal GPSOTHER RIDING NEWS: if the weather cooperates this Friday, April24, there will be a 50 mile ride to the Rock of Gibraltar departing between 10AM-2PM. The route will be posted. It might be fun to see fellow Drafters rocking to and from Gibraltar, riding apart together.DIRTY DRAFT: with Skipper at the helm, we hope to kick off the Dirty Draft on Wednesdays. Blackhawk, Pleaseant View and CamRock will be our playgrounds. Announcments will be made through GroupMe. If you got dirty in 2019, you are inextricably enlisted. If you want to get dirty, email or text me. Please consider joining the Capital Off Road Pathfinders (CORP) if you are going to get dirty. Trail building and maitenance is largely done by volunteers who rely on the support of those enjoying the trails.CORP link to trail conditions and membershipHINCAPIE Drafter Gear: slight delay. Look for FedEx shipping info on May 5.Draft responsibly,BrickO