I sent Duchess and Sandlot to negotiate with Mother Nature. They put up a great fight (with M.N., not each other) but ultimately lost the argument for a dry Draft.
I really don't want to cancel given that the current precipitation is nothing more than an irritating drizzle, but given the treacherous descent on Garfoot and looming cells on the radar that could potentially become more threatening, I think it would be unwise to ride. That was a really long sentence, so I ended it before finishing my thought: I also am sad not to say goodbye to KickA$$K (and enjoy watching her beat the beast of Barlow).
I found some solace in these lyrics by the Rolling Stones.
I want to ride the beast of Barlow
My back is broad my butt will be hurting
All I want is for you to climb that hill with me
I want to ride the beast of Barlow
I’ve ridden for miles my feet are hurting
All I want is for you to climb that hill with me
Ain’t I fast enough
Ain’t I strong enough
Ain’t I smart enough
I’m not too blind to see…. It’s frickin’ raining
I want to ride the beast of Barlow
But let’s stay home and draw the curtains
Put some music on the radio
Come on Drafters, climb Barlow next week with me
For those of you riding across Wisconsin on Sat (and Sun), have a blast. If RAW isn't challenging enough, consider Penny Farthing racing:
Draft responsibly,