Can(ning) Do

The day was gorgeous and provided an excellent opportunity to do a reconnaissance mission for the Lodi Canning Co route. County Line Road, previously closed on an earlier Drafter Ride, is now open for business. A fresh coat of blacktop smooth as a baby's butt awaits. Just a reminder that prior to that stretch, half the lane near the shoulder is unridable, unless you are a cobble specialist.

Upon consulting the map poster earlier, I realized (actually, I didn't. Z Rex gets the credit fo the find) that JOHNSON RD does not appear. This is unfortunate as we are turning right onto it from Lee Rd. The map showed turning right onto 113. I've updated it below, adding the road at my discretion. The easy landmark for Johnson Rd is the railroad tracks, which you will cross immediately before right off Lee Rd. Previous Garmin link and written directions remain accurate.

Lastly, you can consider taking the bike path home from the end of Lodi-Springfield Rd instead of turning at the Cemetery and climbing Woodland. It saves a few miles and a few feet of elevation.

Duchess provided a link to 22 cycling quotes listed in Bicycling Magazine. I've taken the liberty (much like I did with putting Johnson Rd on the map) to share my favorites.

One more piece of terrific news: RACE DAY EVENTS will be hosting the Dairyland Dare in 2020! A huge thank you to this organization for saving an event many of us have enjoyed for years. A special should out to Abbey at RDE who will be leading the charge. As your calendar fills up for next summer, also put Pedal and Party in Pardeeville with a Purpose on your radar for early July.

Draft responsibly,



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Equipment Failure. It's ALL Right.