July 29: Rock of Ages

The sea of green was cool and collected 20 Drafters . The oppressive heat broke and we were free to roll without humidity weighing heavy on our legs.  The heat was still on, however, as we welcomed Newbie, Octane, to the Draft.  Exploding upon ignition (so fast, in fact, that he was gone before the staring photo could be snapped), and burning out quickly up Enchanted Valley, the new flame will be a great addition.Northern Twist 20The weather was cool, but Bond came in hot.  I gauged his fashionably late departure to be approximately 25min, as this was the time interval required to change Pipe's flat tire.  While the sea of green flowed through the roundabout on Parmenter, the air flowed out of Pipe's rear tire. I learned of her induction into the Flat Tire club from Speedy, who sheepishly acknowledged skirting the Drafter Rule "leave no rider unassisted" by telling me of the mechanical issue. I  turned back to find Pipes and the contents of her bike bag spread out on the lawn for a flat tire picnic.  Pipes was digging deep into the cerebral aspects of the task, carefully organizing a buffet line of tubes and CO2.  The mechanical aspects of the task, however, were less forthcoming. 3 CO2 cartridges and 4 letter words were misfired and then we were off.  Flying down Schneider on CO2 (burning slower than Octane, but still a respectable gas), I yelled "car back" as I heard the rev of an approaching engine.  Imagine my surprise to be passed by Bond. Get your motor running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure and the yellow jersey comes his way.  Bond started late but finished with maillot jaune.Tick Tock is usually up for a good fight for the podium, but after 500 miles of cycling in the moonscape of MI, he was happy to collect his overdue beer at Longtable.Long Table 20Tick Tock vowed he was wearing his vintage velo Drafter jersey last Monday while cycling in MI, but has no digital proof.  Team Drafter Moto photographer, Skipper, clearly needs a travel budget.  I'm partial to keeping him local, however, shooting the landscape.  In addition to his photography skills, which he attributes to a steady hand (I'm going to leave that one alone), Skipper is one of our more versatile riders.  He's seen here in the lead out, Chase 2 group, and lantern rouge off the peloton, dutifully photographing riders throughout the tour de Spring Valley.
Thing 2 returned to the Draft after MIA for 3 years and was reunited with Thing 1.Good thingIn the words of Dr. Seuss,'i will pick up the pace.you will see something new.two things. and i call themThing One and Thing Two.these Things will not bite you.they want to have fun.'then, out of the Draftcame Thing Two and Thing One!and they biked so fast.they said, 'how do you do?would you like to ride bikeswith Thing One and Thing Two?'In other warm-and-fuzzy news, Footer and C-Monster adopted furry siblings that will  be promoted to team mascot.  Fitting, since we are dog tired after Drafting on Monday nights.IMG_7292If you want to meet one of the mascots, please join Footer for the Lake Ripley ride this Saturday followed by a cold beverage and dip in the lake and her cottage.  All Drafters are welcome.  BYOBB (bring your own bike and beer). Lake Ripley Sign Up LinkScreen Shot 2019-07-23 at 8.06.24 AM Next week we will ride Rock of Ages. Be prepared to suffer as the climbs will demand you pump the wattage into your quadage.  Further suffering will incur as Def Leppard's Rock of Ages lyrics, "Gunter gliieben, glauchen globen" will be unmistakably replaced in the space between your ears by "Bitten, Buethin, Brereton, Bike Path (??)". I prefer to ride home on Woodland, but Bike Path is more consistent with Def Lepppard's alliteration (and makes Tick Tock happy). Rumor has it that former professional cyclist, friend of Footer and Skipper's, regular end of July Drafter by way of Italy, KickAssK will be rocking the ages on Monday.  Bring your A game, or solid excuses.Rock of Ages 35PDF map to download: Rock of Ages 35Garmin Link: Rock of Ages Garmin LinkDraft responsibly,BrickO

Aug 5: Lodi Canning


July 22: Spring Valley with a Northern Twist (and hopefully no closures or pea gravel)