Rock the Gibraltar Memorial Day Ride 2PM

So this is what the morning after going to Church feels like? Or maybe it was the combination of 2171 feet of climb (Garmins varied, but unanimously agree over 2000') in 38.3 miles and the 11% Evil Twin beer I selected to re-hyrdrate?  Misery loves company, and  we had a 2019 record attendance of 20 Drafters going to Church.  Our all time high (Drafters, not elevation) was the final ride in Sept 2019, so we are on track to surpass that number.We managed to depart on time, despite our Newbie needing a Pit Stop before the ride began. Slow Meandering Cow gave us the go ahead to leave him behind.  "I do my own thing anyway", he sighed. Slow Cow blew a spoke on his way to Church.  A sign? His wife thinks so, as she found the receipt for his most recent trip to Cronometro.  Having a clandestine affair with one's bike is tricky business.Evel Knievel was raring to ride.  With is most recent hematoma healed, he was eyeing up Tobacco City Boy's new redneck truck to jump over.  Sandlot led the Draft out Airport Rd until being foiled by a red light.  She doesn't ofter much Draft protection size wise, but her competitiveness is nothing to mess with.  Just ask her about husband Duchess'  claim to have "caught up" at the rest stop of their last event.  Waiting for and being caught up to are sort of the same, unless you are competitive.Cannibal wasted no time expending energy and broke out the Clif Shots 27 minutes into the ride.  When you have your power to mass ratio dialed in like Cannibal, you don't want to run low on fuel.  We picked up a stray on KP, a kickass commuter named Jason, who was  on his way home to Mount Horeb. Cannibal was eyeing up his saddle bags for food.  I'm not sure which is more humbling- a commuter with saddle bags or Bomber on his gravel bike with 38mm white tires as they scream past.   B2 Bomber ages up this week and I doubt it will slow him down.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOMBER.Knievel and Pit Stop opted to skip Church, riding the shorter No Brains All Brawn route.  I got a text from Knievel asking what was taking so long- he was on his second beer and unsure if he could hold out long enough to see us return to the Free House. Han Solo had been riding with these two renegades, but felt compelled to go to Church. Half way there, he confessed he had made a bad choice.  That climb is not for the faint of heart.  He wasn't the only one complaining.  The power couple, Vintage and Thing 1, were vying for best excuses as we approached the final climb on Airport Road. "My bars are so sticky", proclaimed Vintage to which Thing 1 countered, "My seat is too low- I keep slipping off".  I generously offered a solution, which was to put Vintage's bar tape on his wife's seat.  Marriage counseling could be my next gig.Speaking of marriage counseling, I might need a referral as I left Z Rex behind to deal with 2 flat tires. "For better or worse, unless it is a flat tire, and then I'm out".   I didn't leave him alone intentionally....  and he wasn't alone.  I got a lovely text from Speedy letting me know that 6 Drafters were helping him change not one, but two flat tires. We have our first FLAT TIRE CLUB contestant.  Bomber was the reigning champion in 2017, and Skipper went home with the trophy in 2018.Mechanical failures were not limited to flat tires.  My new bargain barrel Pearl Izumi 3/4 tights left much to be desired, especially for those Drafting directly behind me.  Apparently, the 3/4 referred not only to leg length.  Good thing I had a jersey with a little extra length to bridge the gap.  I was catching a Draft, but not the kind we boast of.  In the upper wardrobe failures, Speedy's arm warmers functioned like wrist warmers.  I guess she could donate them to Pipes or Arms?  C-Monster had a mismatched pair of gloves, with one cycling and one XC skiing.  Functional, but not pretty.  Which reminds me to remind you, if you want to look pretty, Drafter gear is available.DRAFTER CYCLING CLOTHING ORDER DUE MAY 26.  Here's the link: Hincapie Custom StoreThe Free House was our sanctuary after going to Church.  Speedy didn't have a free hand to drink, as she was preoccupied massaging her cramping thighs and walking around like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Pipes was euphoric (suffering is her spiritual release) and regaled stories of her positive snot sign.  TCB was simply catatonic.  Maybe it was the stress of envisioning Knievel jumping over his new truck, but I think it was the 2000+ feet of climb.Nobody was suffering enough to pass up the opportunity to ride 50 miles next week.  Bare Footer said her commitment is weather dependent- if the sun is shining and the wind isn't blowing, she'll be bare footin'.   Pipes and Speedy, in their respective states of dehydration and cramping, misheard her say "If it's nice, I'll be getting laid."  Oh my.Pending weather, we will ride at 2PM for the Rock of Gibraltar. Stay tuned for a time change if the AM looks better for riding than the PM. The Free House is closed, so we will have refreshments at Longtable or skip group therapy, based on interest. If you have a Vintage Drafter jersey from Voler, this Memorial Day ride is the one to sport it.PDF Rock of Gibralter map to download: Rock of Gibraltar 50Garmin link (from my house but close enough to Free House): Rock of GibraltarDraft responsibly,BrickO


There Will Be No Rockin' the Gibraltar on Memorial Day


May 20: Take Me To (Vermont) Church