More Brawn than Brains
Welcome Newbies! 4 Newbies rounded out our group to 14 Drafters who were, in the words of the famous Bob Dylan, blowing in the wind. The day was gorgeous until 5:30PM, when the sun dipped behind the clouds and the wind began to howl. And so it goes.Bomber and Captain had some fuel to light their cycling fire as Newbie von Diesel joined the front line. He is used to chasing down Bomber on skis, and two wheels gives him another opportunity. Booker J brought two friends- well, I'm not sure they are friends as Booker J didn't exactly convey the topography of the route. One said Newbie climbed half-way up Enchanted Valley and turned around. Welcome to the Draft, Half Pipe! 13% is a steep debut. Booker J's other "friend" showed up on a single speed. I give the man credit- he never quit, although I could hear his heart beating from several hundred yards away.The wind was relentless, which made conversing a challenge. I thought I heard Footer say, "The Pixie is bringing up the rear" when in fact she said, "The Fixie is bringing up the rear." That Footer doesn't differentiate a single speed from a fixed gear is a topic for another day- for now, I am content with his new Drafter handle. Welcome to the Draft, Pixie!Last (literally) but not least (far from it), our very own Drafter yoga Master, Pipes, made her inaugural Draft. To note, she was last only because Caboose is off honeymooning in Jamaica. Congrats to the happy couple! I am quite sure that if rode UBEs (upper bike ergometers) instead of using our legs to pedal, Pipes would put all to shame. Climbing up Enchanted Valley, I glanced back and caught her in full Vrschikasana pose, pedaling with her arms and steering with her legs.
The only silver lining to the ferocious wind was that is was mostly blowing at a cross. We were fanned out like geese to reduce the wind. Captain Joe was behind Skipper's right calf and I was flanking his left. I'm not sure I've ever noticed the shear mass of his gastrocnemii- they provided at least 50W of savings, each. Maybe my kankles could offer similar Draft protection? Dr. Wampus (who promises to Draft soon) has diagnosed me with an accessory soles, so I don't REALLY have kankles. It just looks like I do.The ride for Monday April 22 will require more Brawn than Brains. We will venture west towards Cross Plains. The construction through town has been completed, so there will be no need for Dan-yelly to repeat her off road adventure through the yards of these fine townspeople. There are a few respectable climbs up Braun and Old Sauk Pass, but I don't think you will need a dinner plate- yet.
Garmin link Brains and BrawnPDF map for download Union Valley Brains and Brawn 30Draft responsibly,BrickO