M-O-N-D-A-Y night!
Monday Night! by the Middleton City Drafters (with back up vocals by the Bay City Rollers)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BKKaKT_dtMM-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!Gonna keep on bikingTo the rock and rollOn Monday night, Monday nightCyclin' to the rhythmIn our heart and soulOn Monday night, Monday nightI-I-I-IJust can't waitI-I-I-I gotta dateI’m good at the ol' climb and rollDrafter ride, I've gotta go!Monday nightMonday nightGonna climb it upRoll it downTake a pull, ride like a bullMonday nightMonday nightM-M-M-Monday nightM-M-M-Monday nightM-M-M-Monday nightM-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!Gonna draft with my buddies'Til the night is throughOn Monday nightMonday nightI-I-I-I love to rideI-I-I-I'm so glad not to be insideOn Monday nightMonday nightM-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-O-N-D-A-Y night!M-M-M-Monday nightM-M-M-Monday nightM-M-M-Monday nightM-M-M-Monday nightWinter was good to the Drafters. Here's a brief recap of a few memorable moments.Indoor training at CXC kept us warm on cold winter nights, and also highly entertained. Fish-N-Boots had several wardrobe malfunctions, including forgetting cycling shoes which necessitated cycling in winter boots, and mistaking his wife's cycling shorts for his own.Not all of us stayed inside. A fair number of Drafters ventured out on two skis instead of two wheels. I'd like to say that I was one of the Birkie finishers, but alas, the photo is not of the Birkie finish. Cookie Monster and E$ weren't fatigued enough after the Birkie, so traveled to Switzerland to do another ski marathon.
Skipper wasn't afraid to bike in a little weather. I wouldn't be either if I could grow a beard like his (with my recent half century accomplishment, that shouldn't be far off)! Look for more opportunities to bike with Skipper this summer as we kick off the Dirty Drafter rides at CamRock.
A few beardless Drafters sought out warm weather riding excursions this winter.
And some winter victories didn't involve a bike at all. Congrats to Coach Arms and the Badger Women's Hockey National Champions!We will aim to kick off the Drafter season this Monday, April 1 (no fooling), pending cooperative weather. Wheels up at 5:30 from the parking lot on Parmenter, with beers to follow at the Free House. We will start with shorties, building miles as the weather grows warmer and daylight longer.Garmin link: Hyer LoopPDF to print: Hyer Loop 25
DANGER: there are more pot holes than asphalt on the segment of Pheasant Branch between the Conservancy parking lots at the top and bottom of the hill. There is GRAVEL down on the intersection of Pheasant Branch and Meffert. The city has up barricades to alert you to the fact.A reminder to ride smart, at your own risk, and with another Drafter. Please consider using a blinky light. Have fun, get fit, don't be a jerk and respect the rules of the road.Last announcement: 2019 Drafter gear from Hincapie clothing order is due APRIL 2nd. Email me if you want the link.
Let the games begin.Draft responsibly,BrickO