Rain Out Aug 20
Do you remember how nice and sunny it was for the Draft one week ago?Well, we aren't so lucky tonight, which is a bummer for a variety of reasons: 1) we can't raise a beer glass to toast Tobacco City Boy's birthday. Actually , we can raise and drink said glass, just not together at the Free House post-ride, 2) Pipes put on an extraordinary Drafter yoga class this AM and my posterior chain is in prime flexible form to tackle Black Hill, 3) all of the rain gear I ordered while in Norway has arrived. I'm wondering why I ordered it at all, given that I am quick to cancel the first opportunity I have to try it out? Oh yeah, rain gear looks good in my closet. Maybe I will put on my neon green VeloToze and walk through some puddles, just to test them out (see matching neon green POC gloves and socks in photo above- also part of the retail therapy post Haute Route).I hope to see you all next Monday for the Back in Black ride. There will be NO RIDE the following Mon, Sept 3 as it is Labor Day WEEKEND.REMINDER: Hincapie orders due Aug 22. Orders placed in July will be sent Mon Aug 27. You must sign for FedEx or go online once you get the notice and give permission for it to be left without a signature.Looking for a bike event? Consider riding Tyranena Oktoberfest on Sept 15. Great music and food, not too many hills. Register here: Oktoberfest
Draft responsibly,BrickO