Lodi Marsh July 30 and Indian Lake Extended Aug 6
The 2200-2800 feet of climbing up Enchanted, Schuman, Old Settlers and Katzenbuckel (depending on GPS calibration and if you followed Tick Tock on the alternative route which added 4 miles via an unintended left turn on Breunig Road) wasn't the craziest part of the Krazy Ride. It was trying to keep up with KK! This newbie is not a newbie at all, but rather an accomplished professional cyclist residing in Italy and eating Dolomites for breakfast. KK was given a middle initial by Vilks, Bomber and Tick Tock- A. As in KickAssK. I was grateful to Barefooter who warned me not to attempt to keep up with her friend as she pulled away on Enchanted Valley, commandeering my ancient Kestrel, Ruby, who is not geared for such a climb. Ruby may never let me back in the saddle now that she knows what a real rider feel like! Billy Boy McC had led us out Schneider to the point of the breakaway. You know it's gonna be trouble when the Clydesdale sets the pace- everybody got primed in the vortex.
For every foot of climb, there was an excuse as to why KickAssK was in the polka dot jersey. Bomber feigned a shoe malfunction as KickAssK blew by. Skeeter Bait hurled out this excuse, "I just finished antibiotics for a sinus infection." I suspect he would have traded antibiotics for EPO in a heartbeat. Skeeter took the easy out and joined the Flat Tire club. Booker J was the most creative and inventive in the excuse department, "If I had carbon fiber cages, I would not have been dropped." Later in the ride, Booker J was diagnosed by Dr. Z Rex with a "positive snot sign", and offered 3 shot bloks and a bottle of water to ease his pain. Vilks could hardly dismount his bike due to fatigue and exclaimed, "Strava just informed me that I have a new max heart rate". Never one to miss an opportunity for a beer, Vilks excused himself from post-ride beverages under the pretense of attending his daughter's boyfriend's birthday party. We all suspect that he was rushing for his AED and didn't want to make a scene. Barefooter proudly rolled in and declared, "No short cuts here". This ride definitely separated the boys from the men, and I've never been so happy to have hung with the boys. Somebody once said to me, "You have to be pretty good to know you much you really suck." I get it. I liked it better when I imagined a small gap between me and KickAssK, not the Vredefort crater that appeared Monday night.
I also liked it better when Counselor Billy Boy informed me that the "return the bride policy" expired after 72 hours. Eager to exercise my joint credit card rights at the Free House, he admitted to a misunderstanding in the policy, which apparently extends 72 days. Beers on me will have to wait until October. I managed to sneak away last week to Roatan for said wedding adventure without missing a Draft (this is not a discussion about priorities- at least not until I sort out the "return the bride" policy).

Lodi Marsh (counterclockwise route) is a 40mile venture, with an easy 5 short cut by avoiding Riddle Rd, or a 25 mile option by taking the Hyer Loop or Dane out and back. Tick Tock will most likely opt for the bike path home, which should leave all of you feeling unsatisfied and incomplete, but with more energy and time to enjoy Free House. Remember to treat our waitress, Amy, nicely (especially if you place special orders like half buffalo or a WI salad) and tip generously.
Download PDF map of Lodi Marsh: Lodi Marsh 40 and Hyer Loop 25Garmin link to Lodi MarshThe following week, Aug 6, you will be venturing out to Indian Lake. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HEED THIS WARNING: the descent down Indian Trail to K is steep and THE ROAD IS IN TERRIBLE CONDITION. I would recommend one of three strategies: 1) ride this course backwards (Dan-yelly, Whamo and Sandlot may do this unknowingly, so follow their lead), 2) descend at a snail's pace (my choice), or 3) turn right on Whippoorwill (also a steep descent with a hairpin turn), L on 19 and R onto Matz Rd. Decide as a group, and then make your own choice so that you feel safe and ride within your limits.
Download PDF map of Indian Lake Extended: Indian Lake Extended Cue Sheet and MapGarmin Link to Indian Lake ExtendedDraft responsibly,BrickO