Book Club Ride

My sister is a professor at UIC where she teaches negotiations.  It made for an ugly childhood, as she gained practice winning every negotiation (read: argument) with me.  On the upside, I gained some skills which apparently paid off when negotiating with Mother Nature on Monday.  How did we not get wet amidst this colorful cluster??Riders on the StormWe had seen the Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan perform at Breese Stevens Field on Saturday night (highly recommend the venue, but standing on astroturf after the HHH was a bugger) and saw promotions for the upcoming REO Speedwagon concert.  That planted the seed for this song to play in my head Monday night as we were Riding The Storm OutRidin' the storm out, waitin' for the fall outOn a low vis night on the Lodi Canning bike routeMy Heed bottle's low, watching for the pot holeThinkin' about what I've been missin' off the pacelineAnd I'm not missin' a thingWatchin' the Drafters crossing the rangeRidin' the storm outRidin' the storm outMy Drafters beside me, they’re there to guide meStout says he’s not sure we’ll finally reach homeNewbie Stout rode the storm out.  His last name is Porter, which could be the best Drafter name EVER.  But, nobody gets to use their real name.  Welcome to the Draft, Stout.  He's a smart guy, choosing his debut the Monday after the HHH.  Since the majority of the riders Mon night were riding rough, there was discussion of taking a short cut.  Cooler (dumber) heads prevailed like the wind and we dutifully rode to the Lodi Canning Company.  Billy Boy McC took a vigorous turn at the front.  It was a Cadillac of a ride for the rest of us until his legs gave out.  Tick Tock was a no show, so we opted to take the bike path home, as nobody wanted him to feel like he missed out on his favorite climb up Woodland.  That's just the kind of teammates we are.  And, we were running late for happy hour.  Nurse Sully had held the table so long that other Free House patrons were offering to keep her company.  By 8PM she figured we had not only rode the storm out, but rode directly home.  Fortunately, we intersected in the parking lot and she came back to the Free House for round two.I've never seen anyone double over at dinner with a calf cramp.  Billy Boy blamed it on the deviled eggs the Drone Master ordered, but the rest of the sorry HHH crew knew better.  Loose Screw, B2 Bomber and Z attributed the cramping to punishment for not wearing his Drafter jersey on Saturday.  As part of his penance, Billy Boy was asked to give a demonstration of his Drafter loyalty.  Rising to the occasion, (not literally, as he was still cramping, but acoustically) he sang this little ditty for Coach Arms, who was in labor at the time.[wpvideo Xjst5BaH]Drone Master wins the award for highest intellect (yes, this is the same guy who didn't realize tire pressure isn't a constant and requires air input from time to time).  Like the drone he flies, this guy magically shows up in Dane, and then bows out before having to climb Viaduct.  His malt to mile ratio is the highest of all the Drafters.  Brilliant.We wish Billy Boy and Loose Screw safe travels and excellent riding in France next week with Cyclesport Travel on their Pyrenees Playground trip with the Italian Job.Playground.pngSpeaking of travel, the honeymooners are back from their fishing trip to O'Canada.  E$ hit the jackpot and caught a Monster.
Check you front porch- there were some special deliveries this week.  Billy Boy is trying to make amends for his attire at the HHH by being the first to wear his new Drafter jersey. I hope he's off to another ride and not to court.  He has his game face on, for sure. "Guilty, your honor."Guilty Jerseys weren't the special delivery.  That honor is reserved for Riley Grace.  Congrats to Poppa Legs and Momma Arms.  Welcome to the Draft.Riley GraceI guess this would be a good time to discuss the route for Monday.  We are going to head out west and hit a few of the HHH roads, a new route for the Drafters.  I'm calling it the "Book Fair 40" as you will see a book box on Blue Mounds Trail.  I fully support all attempts at increasing literacy, although I have no idea who would think to stop and exchange a book here?  It is nice they leave a spare wheel, just in case.Blue Mounds Trail BooksI don't have a map prepared, but I do have the Garmin link.  Fear not- it is not 50 miles as downloaded, as I did a loop twice.  It's only 40.Garmin link: Book Fair 40 Garmin Link Cue sheet to download: Book Fair 40Book Fair 40Draft responsibly,BrickO

Spring up Spring Valley


Oh Baby Ride On 06.18.18