Stuck in Lodi Again

I thought I was clear on the Take Me To Church directive, but Dan-yelly apparently mistook the route for Take Me To Work.  She was not alone.  Two Fist followed her innocently, not having been clued into Dan-yelly's directional impairment.  These two yardbirds decided the route would be more fun as a cyclocross course!  With bikes hefted over their shoulders, they traversed the construction in Cross Plains like champs.Drafters At WorkThose two and a few other wayward Drafters went off road.  Literally.  Billy Boy, Whamo and Sandlot compared stories of crashing backyard BBQs as they meandered through the lawns of unsuspecting Cross Plaines residents.  This "inadvertent" re-routing through construction is all part of my master plan to purchase a gravel bike without guilt- think of the functionality, the necessity even?  Loose Screw showed up to ride looking like he had been rolling in the gravel- forearm bandaged and hand swollen. Clearly, his most recent bike meets immovable object collision is yet another sign that our Drafter team needs gravel bikes.  Tick Tock wasted no time making a purchase after watching Bomber lead the Draft on his gravel bike.  Welcome his new baby (photo on left below).  Speaking of baby, there was an ommission in last week's blog. I mentioned that the Italian Job came to check on his babies, Cervelo, Colnago and Scott but I left out Parlee.  Billy Boy's Parlee, Stallion (yes, all bikes must be named), nearly reared up and bucked me for my insensitivity. I'm including a baby photo as a way to make amends (photo on right below).
While some of us are going gravel, others are going aero.  Congrats to Tree of Rown, an honorary Drafter, on conquering things that I'm bound by HIPAA not to share in order to finish the Wisconsin Half Ironman on Sunday.  Let's just say the normal P-QRS-T EKG was more like a tidal wave. There is a Drafter water bottle in her cycling jersey pocket, so technically this photo counts in the competition.Tree of RownThe photo competition is heating up.  This one has some sizzle and bling.WeddingThe other thing heating up is the temperature for the Horribly Hilly this Saturday.  Good luck to all the participants!JERSEY UPDATE: the Hincapie order will be mailed on June 18, and expected arrival is June 20.  Remember that you have to sign for your package.  If you have a nice FedEx guy, you could try leaving a note (and cookies- or beer, if that's legal or I don't find it first) on the front porch if you won't be home.This week will will find some flats roads (relatively) to let our HHH legs recover.  As such, we will happily be stuck in Lodi again.  The full route is 40miles, with a 30 and 20 option.  I have it on authority that Team Power Watt may be leading the Short Pour.Lodi Canning 40 30 20Garmin Link: Lodi Canning Company GPS LinkDownload PDF map: Lodi Canning 40 30 20Draft responsiblyBrickO

Oh Baby Ride On 06.18.18


Take Me To Church