Rain Rain, Go Away. Ride and Drone Footage Rescheduled for June 4.
Dang. I was really hoping to demo my bike handling skills on the hairpin Whippoorwill descent down to Indian Lake. What skills, you ask? The ones whereby my white knuckles have a death grip on my handlebars, shoulders tucked up into the base of my cranium, eyes half shut and mouth wide open yelling, "HOLY SH****T". I have skills. I have been monitoring 3 radar sites since noon, figuring I'd go with the most promising. While the rain is likely to cease by Drafter time, the mist will make shooting our Drone Video less than crisp (which might not be all bad in light of said skill set) and the roads a bit slick.It is with great heaviness of heart that I cancel tonight's ride, nearly as heavy as Coach Arm's belly is with baby. The next time we convene, on June 4, she will be T minus 2 weeks from her due date. I guess if the baby comes before we have time to properly send her off to the labor and delivery suite, we will celebrate WITH baby! Based on photos taken by the same Paparazzi who covered the Royal Wedding, it appears Arms has much work to do in learning to spoon feed her baby, and coaching her team in the art of Nuk passing.We will not be riding on Memorial Day, but will reconvene on June 4 for our Taverns, Churches and Ball Diamonds route. Prime time spots for Drone coverage will be given to those in Drafter gear, or willing to pull. In the latter case, attire makes no difference.Draft responsibly,BrickO