Here Come's The Sun
Sing along to our spring kick off song (provided by the Beatles)...Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)Here comes the sun, and I sayLet’s all rideLittle Drafter, it's been a long cold lonely AprilLittle Drafter, it feels like years since we’ve biked hereHere comes the sunHere comes the sun, and I sayLet’s all rideLittle Drafter, the smiles returning to the facesLittle Drafter, it seems like years since we’ve drunk beerHere comes the funHere comes the fun, and I sayIt's all rightSun, sun, sun, here it comesFun, fun, fun, here it comesSun, sun, sun, here it comesFun, fun, fun, here it comesSun, sun,…Let's roll along the Sugar River en route to Riley Tavern. This is a nice short 20 mile route to shake the cobwebs loose. Wheels up at 5:30 sharp. The short pour, departing at 6:00, has a cut off which involves staying on Timber Lane.JERSEY ORDER OPENS UP MONDAY. If you want to try on a sample jersey or shorts, let me know. I can bring them to Free House, and will be sending them back on Tuesday.
Remember, in order to be considered for the Drafter photo competition, you must submit a photo with some Drafter gear- headband, t-shirt, towel (hopefully not wearing it) or jersey. But, I do appreciate photos capturing the Drafter spirit even without official gear. Dr. Wampus has a spitfire on her hands. This girl will ride in all conditions.
Click here for PDF of map for download: Riley Tavern 20Or click here GPS link: Riley Tavern GPS linkDraft responsibly,BrickO