First Round Draft Pic
The Spring Equinox seems an appropriate occasion to officially welcome the start of another cycling season. I am excited to see equal day and nox (Latin for night), knowing that the light that shines after the work day will offer opportunity to turn the cranks with the Drafters.A quick review of the articles of organization to keep us all on the same road:
- Be safe, follow the rules of the road. Always ride with somebody, preferably a friend who won’t make you feel bad for not keeping up. Ride at your own risk. BrickO and the Drafters are not liable for anything that may occur on the road or at the bar.
- Have fun. Crabbiness and bad attitudes will be extricated by being asked to pull the group alongside B2 Bomber and Captain Joe, who will force you to smile while singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. This will serve to eradicate all demons, along with all other sources of energy.
- Be prepared to change your own flat. This means having a CO2 cartridge and trigger (yes, I mention this as some imagine the CO2 magically filling the tube without a mechanism), spare tube with appropriate stem length. Don’t be caught with your stem too short (Bomber, I’m referring to your flat tire experience). Fortunately, we have a full service orthopedic group who is often eager to repair the damage, but please allow 45min for this operation.
- Be on time or be prepared to ride with Dan-yelly. We are wheels up at 5:30PM from the BMO parking lot on Parmenter on Mondays, starting April 2, weather pending. Rides cancelled due to rain, sleet, snow or just plain inhospitable conditions will be posted on the blog no later than 4:30PM. Mother Nature has agreed to make her decision clear before 5:25PM, which was her modus operandi last season.
- Know the route or have Dora the Explorer on speed dial (Hit-the-Woll has the number committed to memory). She has the map. I will post my own map and Garmin GPS coordinates on the blog. The former has been known to lead people astray. Billy Boy got lost all the way down in Sanibel and may never find his way home. The Garmin coordinates are more reliable.
- Worried about keeping up? The 5:30PM group has been known to pound it, on occasion, and there are certainly some cyclists who effortlessly (and unintentionally) keep my needle buried in the red zone. There are an equal number of rides where the atmosphere is more casual (and I can actually breathe it in). It just depends on the mood, and who raced hard over the weekend. The Drafters range in level of experience and fitness, but the expectation is that you can hold your own on a bike for 40 miles (with plenty o' hills). If you aren’t sure if you can keep up, take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to. Ride at your own pace- just be sure to ride WITH somebody. We have had a 6PM Short Pour group for those who want a shorter distance to cover before settling down for a Draft at the Free House, or perhaps a less vigorous pace. This is a good place to start if you feel uncertain of which group to join.
I think that covers the basics.We will have Hincapie 2018 Drafter jerseys/kits available soon. The design team has been busy creating something special for this year. I will unveil the art once it is completed and wait to see if the response is favorable- if so, taking all the credit. If not, I will throw Cookie Monster, Tobacco City Cousin, Coach Arms and Z under the bus. Thanks in advance for your creative efforts.Need a tune up? We all strive to be sagittally sound on the bike. But, spending so much time in one plane can wreak havoc on your body. Join us for 45min of Cycling Yoga with 2-time Olympian Karen Rigsby Mondays at 6AM this summer in Middleton. Contact Karen at Karen also practices at Inner Fire, where you can take a cycling yoga workshop.Back by popular demand, we will kick the season off by inviting everyone to join the Draft Pic competition. Ok, actually, nobody demanded or even requested the tradition continue. That aside, I’m excited to see where the Drafters team colors pop up on the globe and live vicariously through your travels, trials and tribulations. Recall that last year’s Draft Pic award went to Coach Arms and Legs, who planted the Drafter flag on Kilimanjaro and solicited cooperation from an elephant while on safari to sit for a photo. Let the games begin. Send me your photos.
I will post the route for April 2 later next week, and also give details about the 6PM Short Pour ride. I am looking for 2 volunteers to lead those rides. Email me if interested. Draft responsibly,BrickO