Aug 14: Indian Lake Extended
Game of Drones Season 5For drone coverage of previous episodes, please visit the Drone Master's webpage at: Drone Master Video14 Drafters from 5 Kingdumbs joined forces on Monday night to win the battle against the Flat Tire Walkers. Deflation is coming. Any history of war between the 5 Bone Mender Kings was cast aside for the greater good of the Drafters.Kingdom of the Rock and Flat Tire, ruled by Rainbow MakerKingdom of the Mountain and Strava Segments, ruled by One Hip WonderKingdom of the Isles, Rivers and Cancelled Swims, ruled by AquaphobeKingdom of the Wrong Turns, ruled by Hit-The-WollKingdom of Ukrainelands, ruled by ZRainbow Maker was looking a bit green heading into the glacier ridges of Kahl Road. In part, this was due to shielding BrickO's friendly fire, as she failed to observe the wind direction before executing her farm girl discharge maneuver. Distracted by the friendly fire, Rainbow Maker rode over a landmine of pot holes, blowing a tire on his Cervelo war machine. The reverberations that ensued enhanced the green hues in Rainbow Maker’s spectrum.
Fire breathing flies were ferociously attacking the cycling warriors as they waited for Rainbow Maker to repair the damages. Apparently, he is pretty green when it comes to changing flats as well. In a rare call for help, Rainbow Maker cried out to his resident, “I could replace a hip faster than I can change this flat.” No doubt or argument there.
In the true spirit of the Bone Menders alliance, leaders of the 5 Kingdumbs rushed to assist with flat tire repairs. 5 sets of hands all working together independently. We grew cold and hungry waiting- not easy to do in August, but we exceeded expectations.
The Flat Tire Walkers and fire breathing flies were not the only adversity the Drafters faced that evening. Seemingly, the Map of WesteroWIS had been sabotaged. One Hip Wonder, a red-shirt pre-schooler, could not discriminate between R and L such that every turn was decidedly right. Team Tobacco City didn’t even bring a map, and subsequently had no recollection of the battle fought on Far View Rd. Can’t take a wrong turn if you don’t know where you are going. Edgerton breeds some clever boys. It is no wonder we only have one stop light in our home town. Aquaphobe failed to head the steep grade warning on Turkey Rd and toppled over. This incident would have gone unnoticed by the Drafters, save the black spot on his shining forehead. Given that Ash Wednesday doesn’t fall on a Monday in August, we were quick to deduce the cause of the dark mark. Drone Master had a different map altogether- one that included a secret passage with a direct route to the cask and ale.Fully inflated, the Drafters sped down Schneider in a pace line that averaged 30mph. Zika was pumped up with stories of pulling Lance Armstrong at RAGBRAI last week, which inspired the blistering pace. The Free House was glowing under the full Sturgeon Moon as we rolled in having defeated the Flat Tire Walkers, fire breathing flies, and navigational ineptitudes. Also glowing in the moonlight was Sully, dutifully holding down the fort and ordering beers for the thirsty troops. News correspondent Tobacoo City Cousin reported that all golf courses within a 100 mile radius had agreed to shut down Monday evening to ensure Sully reenlisted in the Draft. Winter is coming, but Sully has a date with the Green Walkers of AZ.
We had the moon to guide us home, but next week we should rely on daylight. The routes will start to shorten, this one less than 35 to Indian Lake. The Short Pour takes the bike path home after crossing the Highway, near Rauls Rd. The the Flat Tire Walkers should strike again, we might all be taking the bike path home. I did recon today and discovered that Hwy 19 at Indian Lake is still closed to through traffic. This is perfect as there should be minimal car traffic.Garmin Link to Indian Lake Extended
PDF to download: Indian Lake Extended Cue Sheet and MapDraft responsibly,BrickO