"Back on Bikes" FREE Seminar TONIGHT

Hard time getting your back on a bike?  You may want to check out this free seminar at Cronometro, 338 W. Lakeside St, Madison given by Heather Hartwig Stokes, MSPT, CSCS.Heather is a Drafter, Birkie skier and one of the most talented Physical Therapists on the planet.CronoPT link

Backs on Bikes Seminar with Crono PT Physical Therapist Heather Hartwig-StokesThis free seminar to keep your back happy!Heather will explain and demonstrate effective techniques to manage and reduce the back stress and strain related to cycling. Join us at 5:30 Wednesday, May 31st for an hour of great advice.



June 5: Tour of the Lakes


1st Place for Destination