Rain Out
While the Brewers are still on for Opening Day, the Drafters are calling it a rain out. Our avionic specialists, Capt. Joe and co-pilot Z, have sent weather updates for the area:
According to both sources, the chance of rain is 90%. While it isn't a heavy rain, the temperatures have me 100% unenthusiastic. As such, I am recommending you stay home and rock it on your trainer while watching NC and Gonzaga battle it out. We will reconvene next Monday for the Home Talent route through historic Ashton.A few other things to note:The road quality on Pheasant Branch is extremely poor. This is one of two main cycling arteries out of town. We will be rerouting all rides north by using High Street to Balzer to bypass the potholes. This is important info for those of you who meet us at the Conservancy Trail head, as we will no longer be riding by the parking lots on Pheasant Branch. I have sent an email to the City of Middleton Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Shawn Stauske, to voice my concerns about cycling safety on Pheasant Branch. Your voice matters. Please contact him directly at sstauske@ci.middleton.wi.us or use this link to the website to report your concern: City of Middleton Public Works Pothole Report6PM SHORT POURLast season, we had a small group of dedicated cyclists who opted to ride a shorter route starting at 6PM. Kilo Watt and Lads Digs have been elected Team Leaders for the Drafters Short Pour 6PM ride. While they jokingly refer to themselves as "JV", this group is chock full of kick butt riders, so I prefer the name "Short Pour". If you have any interest in joining the group, please email me directly.See you all next week.Draft responsibly, preferably indoors tonight,BrickO