Welcome to the 2017 Draft: March 20th
Unpredictable. That sums up the commencement of our cycling season. In my near half century occupying this planet (some would argue I’m often occupying another), never have I accumulated over 100 cycling miles in February in the southern reaches of Wisconsin, in shorts. The tell tale signs were starting to appear, as I peeled back my cycling shorts to reveal a glorious tan line. Or maybe it was just a curious aggregate of age spots. Hard to say. And then March rolled in, and my fat tire bike rolled back out to play in the snow. I cannot say with any certainty what March 20th has in store for the Drafters with respect to riding conditions, but I can say that we will be convening at 5:30 snow or shine.If the weather cooperates, we will head north out Pheasant Branch to Lodi Springfield Rd, and loop back on Hyer Road. This is a nice 20mile icebreaker, and for those who want a slower start to the season, the bike path along Hwy 12 is a nice alternative. After the ride, or in lieu of the ride should Mother Nature be in a foul mood, we will gather at the Free House for some libations and trying on of the 2017 jerseys.GPS Hyer LoopA few gentle reminders about the Drafter Code of Conduct:
- Ride at your own risk. There is no fee to ride and as my Grandma used to say, and probably yours, too, “You get what you pay for". There’s no roadside assistance, sag support, controlled intersections, or guarantee for your safety. In short, I am not liable (see Drafter counselors for details- take your pick from the large variety of attorneys at our disposal. I can vouch for Counselor Queen Bee. I have seen her in action in the courtroom- she throws the book. Unfortunately, she was representing the opposing team).
- Technically, this is not an organized ride. I ride predictably on Mondays; wheels up at 5:30 from the BMO Harris Bank Parking lot, and am happy for company.
- Aptitude requirement: You don’t have to be a stud rider (I most certainly am not) to Draft, although you can be (B2 Bomber and Turbo JT will take first, middle and last pulls), but you can’t be a jerk. Play nice with others, respect traffic and please come with your tires inflated (note to our Drone Master).
- Bring a spare tire, CO2 or pump. Ideally, you can change a flat. If not, bring a cell phone and be prepared to phone a friend. Or, bring extra beer money. Bribes are strongly encouraged.
- Nobody should ride alone. While I claim no legal responsibility, I do feel morally obligated to make sure everyone has a riding companion. Please be sure to plan accordingly.
- Know your route or bring bread crumbs. It is your responsibility to find your way back. GPS and old school maps of my intended route will be posted on the blog.
- This blog will serve as a means by which to post routes and poke fun of one another in a loving and supportive fashion on a weekly basis. It is also the way in which I communicate my thoughts on last minute weather conditions, thanks to Captains Wild Joe and Z , and their high tech aviation technology. Again, you can choose to ride or not ride, safety first. You can unsubscribe from the blog at anytime without fear of hurting my feelings.
- Free House generously offers us their outdoor side patio for food and beverages post-ride. They appreciate a head count in advance for food purposes, as it is easy to overwhelm the kitchen, so you may see me counting heads in the parking lot before we ride out. Last year, they designated a server on Monday nights just to deal with the Drafters. Tips are strongly encouraged. Historically, they have taken very good care of us.