Sept 5: Labor(less) Day

Who do you think of when you hear the names Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore and Daniel Craig?  The name is Legs.  Long Legs.James Bond007 was the riding style for the Draft on Monday night.  B2 Bomber and Billy Boy McC were warmed up from their damp 175 mile Ride Across Wisconsin and ready to rumble.  Blue Hare Lucio put down the hammer (she would like it noted for the Drafter record that the max speed achieved this season was 46mph), sharing pace line pulls with the Bomber, while the remaining dozen agents tucked in for a long summer's draft. Billy Boy was looking for more adventure than what the 27mile Easy Street route had to offer.  He was sighted riding on 113, en route to  I90-94, dodging in and out of traffic with help from his aero bar end mirrors, compliments of Q.  When asked why he didn't have a helmet mirror as part of his navigation system, the 6'5" Irishman said that he couldn't afford the extra drag. He's a special kind of agent.  NBA recruit Cliff could have used help from a secret service agent after locking his keys in his car, along with his bike.  Doc T-Wall rode in silence to honor his bikeless friend and promised to write him a long overdue prescription for a statin. The battle against cholesterol can be won with exercise (and a whiskey chaser), which is why Slow Cow might also need a Rx for a statin.  Once again he shorted the ride, making his debut just south of Dane.  Slow Cow is one of the organizers for The Ride on Sept 18.  Be prepared for well marked short cuts, complete with fueling stations. Entry fee includes a bumper sticker "Almost 100 miles".Sign up for The RideThere will be NO RIDE on Labor Day, Sept 5 or the following Monday, Sept 12.  Enjoy your family and friends, and take a break from the saddle.  Quads can feel crappy on rides at this point in the season.  It happened to me (a first). Don't let it happen to you.  Let the taper for Ironman begin.  It is the best part of training!  Good luck to the IM-WI Drafters: Arms, MadPower McKaylah, Scrubs' beau (you really need your own nickname- I will work on that), Bare Ace, GoGo Groshek, Dr. M-Dott.  There isn't much fitness that can be gained between now and race day, so trust in your physical preparations and get geared up mentally.Crappy RideLastly, on Sept 5, I would like to honor our friend and fellow Drafter, Anne Flaten.  Two years ago on this day, we said goodbye. Embrace each day,  it is a gift, even the crappy ones.  Live to the fullest extent possible.  Treat others kindly.  Call your Mom.  Hug your kids.  Pet the cat. Watch the sun set and the moon rise- these are jewels worth treasuring. Feel the wind blow, listen to the birds, walk barefoot in the grass, ride your bike.  These are the magical moments in life.  I'm thankful for all of you, and proud to Draft along side you.Anne Tribute
Draft responsibly,BrickO

Sept 19: Celebrate Good Times


Aug 29: Short & Sweet Easy Street