July 25: Take Me To Church, Again

Despite the confusing "take 3" updates on the last route, 11 Drafters found their way through the gorgeous peaks and valleys.  The UW Physical Therapy program was well represented, and well dressed, for the ride out west.PT3sIt occurred to me on our ride out west that road names which include "valley" (Union Valley Rd, Moen Valley Rd) are a bit misleading, as a valley also implies a peak. But who would chose to ride Union Peak Rd or Moen Peak Rd?  It must be some sort of Jedi mind trick intended to lure cyclists into thinking these are all downhill ventures.  Vermont Church was a helluva climb, and this week, we are headed back to church, this time in Ashton. I haven't ridden this route since last year, so I don't have GPS coordinates or the exact mileage, but I'm estimating just shy of 40 with a shorter option noted below. Enchanted to ChurchPDF for download: Enchanted to ChurchDraft responsibly,BrickO


Do the Wright Thing, Dare to Ride the Dairy Land


July 18: Take 3 Update on the Update