June 27: Rockin' to Roxbury 42, 25mile

The Farmer's Almanac reminds us how special the ride was last week, marking the first time the full moon and summer solstice have coincided since ~1948.  16 Drafters enjoyed the sweetness, including Newbies Tim (see previous photo of unidentified man drinking beer post HHH with Billy Boy), Dr. Watt (who powered up the 200k HHH on 25pounds of raw steel), and Alex (a man who drinks beer from a chalice is instantly likable- code name ChaleX).  Returning to the scene after a pole vault coaching hiatus was WhoYaKnow Hujanen, our resident aerospace engineer, currently in charge of the Drafting Drone. Be sure to look sharp next week (perhaps in the team Hincapie apparel that just arrived), for the drone footage, which will conceivably be airing on the Channel 27 Morning News.  Tobacco City Boy has made no promises, but if there's a slow news day, we aren't a bad option (kudos to our Drafter who rides then immediately goes to work while the rest of us imbibe).  Without a doubt, we have enough material to fill the sporting news: congrats on strong Milkman finishes (or at least a finish) to Slow Cow, MadPower McKaylah, NBA coulda but didn't Cliff, Tall Tim and CoKeHo.  With that starting lineup (3 being over 6'5"),  we may consider drafting our own basketball team.We have another longish 42 mile route for Monday through Roxbury, with a 25mile cut off for those departing at 6pm.  Per Billy Boy's request, arrows have been added to demonstrate a counter clockwise riding pattern. The section on 19, just after the 25mile cut off, is brief but dicey.Roxbury 42Draft responsibly,BrickO


July 4th: Ride Independently with Drone Video Link Intact


June 20: 40mile Recovery Ride to Lodi Canning Co