June 13: Horribly Hilly Warm Up

There was plenty of excitement following the Draft, prompted in part by this fine literary work, a gift from Dr. Stitch. Seriously, there is more to the book than sexy bike pictures- there are inspirational quotes from JFK, cycling legend Eddie Merckx and numerous others.
14 Drafters took Merckx's advice to heart.  Slow Cow started the long course with a short cut. He is an oxy moron.   The 6pm charge was led by Lady Digs, who showed incredible strength but much less wisdom following the removal of her hindmost molars a few days ago. The vitamin I wore off mid-ride, but she bit down hard on her remaining teeth and led the determined XX Drafters down Whippoorwill.  Counselor Queen Bee and Quinoa conquered the technical descent and expired the warranty on their brake pads.  Billy Boy McC, legal counsel for the Big and Tall members of the team, might have been the only Drafter who came prepared (ever) with a map and readers.  He diligently turned left onto Lodi-Springfield, as indicated by the cue sheet.  Sorry for the typo, Billy Boy.  I meant right.  I will talk to my editors about proofing the maps and blog more closely, heaven forbid we ride into the furry instead of the fury again.In preparation for the upcoming Horribly Hilly Hundreds event and to honor the return of K2 from her first year of graduate school (the PhD kind to supplement the DPT kind, because you can never have too many initials), we will ride her favorite route: the Disenchanted Valley- Spring Valley loop.  Yup, it's back on our schedule, as promised.  Human Metronome and Tall Tim will be providing Cliff Shots and Gatorade to all those threatening to bonk.  Pay it back, pay it forward.  Wheels up at 5:30.  Dan-yelly, please arrive at 5:15 to serve your time in the penalty box.The 6pm crew will have an equally exciting HHH route, albeit slightly shorter so as to avoid delay of game "rehydrating" at the Free House.  The previous gravel patches on Enchanted Valley have been paved, finally.  Turn left on Pine to shorten the route to 30miles.Spring Valley 36Garmin Link to Enchanted & Spring Valley LoopDraft responsibly,BrickO

June 20: 40mile Recovery Ride to Lodi Canning Co


June 6: Down Whippoorwill 30/25mile