Garth Brooks Serenades Jackie

Despite my upbringing on a tobacco farm in rural Wisconsin, I failed to acquire a taste for country music... until yesterday.  The last Draft held our finest weather experience and brought out 13 riders (my lucky number) and a few surprises.  Kaiya pushed the pace in the lead group (mind you, this former collegiate basketball star JUST bought a bike, borrowed shoes 3 sizes too big and transcended from back of the pack to leader of the pack in short order), the Human Metronome allegedly got out of his saddle to climb Enchanted Valley (counselor Liz is reviewing the tape, wearing her driving gloves to avoid damaging the evidence), BrickO did not place her typical high maintenance ABLT order without avocado or bacon, add cheese please (ABCLT) and Christopher wore a men's Drafters jersey. The biggest surprise was a coming out by Regina's hockey star and contender for Best Legs in Drafter Magazine.  Jackie talked openly in an interview with Nurse Sully about her heart palpitations over Garth Brooks.  After listening to his recent re-release of "I've Got Friends in Low Places",  I concede that country music is not all bad.  At least one song by Garth (she's on a first name basis with him now, with complimentary concert tickets in the third row), will find its way onto my spin playlist this winter.Watch Video of Garth Brooks and Jackie or sing along...I'VE GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES (DRAFTER REMAKE)Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in Hicapie bootsSet the pace for the Drafter affairThe first one to ride, the last one insideWe were the cyclists the Free House bartender hoped to see there.And I saw the surprise and the fear in her eyesWhen I ordered a microbrew and toasted youSaid, “Drafters, we may be through, but you’d never hear me complain”‘Cause I’ve got friends in Spin classes where the music drownsAnd the beer chases my blues away and I’ll be okayI’m not big on social graces, think I’ll slip on down to the Supreme Spin Studio oasisShe can't sing.  He can't skate.  But they speak the same language when it comes to being a solid role model.End of song, end of an extraordi-rainy outdoor season.  I thank all 45 (!) of you who rode with the Drafters.  I hope to see some of you at Spin and if not, stay tuned for next season.  Same bat time, same bat channel.BrickO


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