We Won't Melt, But Rain Gear Would Be Prudent

Here's the deal.... the forecast is never 100% accurate.  Take Saturday, for instance.  Three Drafters set out on a 50 mile quest from a cabin up nort' with promises of no precipitation from our trusted meteorologist.  5 miles in, the drizzle started.  With 10 miles left to go (most of those unintentional, thanks to BrickO's inability to read a map), we were smitten as the rain pelted at our unsuspecting and unprepared bodies.  Luckily, our fuel source (peanut butter, oatmeal, M&M cookies compliments of Drafter Christa) were safely stored in ziplock bags.  If I could have crawled in to the ziplock, I would have.  Let this be a lesson to bring rain gear this evening, or at least a bigger ziplock.  The forecast looks pretty green (not grim), with very little weather in the yellow or red zone.  Unless there is thunder, lightening or an absolute downpour, I will likely be there in my new George Hincapie rain booties to ride. The booties were on close out.  You can be the judge of why they were nearly free....ForecastCookie Monsters


Lucky 7


June 15: Lodi 40, 30 or Dane 20 mile routes