Sweet 16, Flats and Rainbows

A new Drafter high of 16 riders set out to dodge the storms on Monday night.  An offering to the Rain Gods was made in the form of two sacrificial flat tires.  In an effort to conserve tubes, we offered up one mountain bike tire (thanks, Liz) and one tri bike tire (Christa has a tendency to be the first in most things she does, including having a flat tire).  The Gods were kind to those brave enough to endure the full Spring Valley Loop, but punished those who took the short cut with a brief deluge.  In the short cut group included our visiting professor from New York, who was sporting a loaner Colnago from Cronometro.  Dr. Corr was overheard mumbling something about taking the rest of his sabbatical off to clean the Colnago and reflect on the post-deluge rainbow.We welcomed 4 new Drafters.  Frank and JB set the pace. Fortunately for morale, we didn't learn until well into the first round of beers that JB had ridden 70miles BEFORE joining our humble group.  Good luck at Ironman Coeur d'Alene in two weeks.  I think you can start your taper now.  Ting finally had a day off from her rigorous orthopedic surgery residency and decided to spend it with us.  Not wanting to be outdone, Ting decided to ride the full loop on a mountain bike.  After heavy sedation and therapy, she agreed to ride with Nurse Sully and Counselor Liz, where she received excellent counsel on the art of shifting. Finally, we welcomed Susan, our long track speed skating time trial wonder.  Had she been here last week, the Ice Queens would have had competition for the Drafter's Magazine Best Legs Edition.Jackie was notably absent, wish some fish tale excuse (see below).  Kudos to Matt and Danyelle for conquering Blue Mounds on Saturday.  Note: there is only beer at the top when you finish the Horribly Hilly Hundreds.TingSalmon JackieDanyelle Blue MoundsMatt Blue Mounds


June 15: Lodi 40, 30 or Dane 20 mile routes


Three Options for June 8: Long and Short Spring Valley Route OR Bike Path Hopefully with Links that Work