Jersey Order
The new Drafter Jersey design is AWESOME and will be processed through Hincapie Sportswear. I can say, hands down, this is the highest quality jersey I own. The cost will be $75 plus $10 shipping (unless we order a huge quantity... which is possible since the race official at the Assault on Mt. Mitchell may order a dozen for his team). This price is a mega discount, as we are getting the Velocity (high end) jersey for the Axis (medium line) jersey price. I'm not making a profit- this is as low as we can go.Bricko's Drafters Jersey Final (click to see image)Directions: NEW TEAM MEMBERS WITH EXISTING HINCAPIE TEAM CENTER ACCOUNT:Click the link below to go to the Hincapie Team Center home page. Log in to your account, and then use the drop-down menu at the top right-hand corner of the screen to select Account. Scroll down to My Teams and enter the access code provided below. This will link your account to our team order.After you have done this, click Home at the top of the screen and click New Order begin your product selection.Please click on this link: Hincapie Jersey Order linkAccess Code: BrickOsDraftersWE HAVE TWO WEEKS TO PLACE JERSEY ORDERS. After that time, you will be asked to provide payment and your address for FedEx delivery. A signature is required, so you may want to use your work address. Delivery is likely late August (bummer... but worth the wait).Draft responsibly,BrickO