Indian Lake or Assault Option for May 18th
Congrats to the fearsome 6 pack who attacked the gnarly wind Monday en route to Indian Lake and to our 2 faithful bike path patrollers. It was not a night fit for man nor beast (name that Holiday Classic), and yet two newbies, Laurie and Kevin made their debut with the Drafters (as my son would say, definitely Beast). Despite his brand new fancy Trek Tri-bike, Gary refused to pull..... Bad Gary. Although enjoying a leisurely draft, he apparently expended enough energy to warrant a bacon cheese burger, with extra bacon (generously donated from my BLT).As the winds convinced us to shortcut Indian Lake (not sure how to name that route - perhaps Indian Lake Sans Indian Lake), the route for next Monday will be the same. I will not be there to oversee operations, however, as I am doing the Assault on Mt. Mitchell on Monday. Please feel free to join me if you would like an alternative to Indian Lake.Assault on Mt Mitchell Link orThere is no class the following week, as May 25th is Memorial Day.Draft responsibly,BrickO