Insane Dane May 4th 5:30pm 33 miles

The highlight from last week's ride  is somewhat atypical as it describes the failure of the eldest Drafter member to saddle up. The most outrageous excuse for not riding came from seasoned rider, Sully. "I didn't have time to put cleats on my new bike shoes."  Sully's lack of cleat preparation did not prevent her from partaking in the post-ride festivities, where the Drafters decided to put her on trial for failure to ride. Her defense attorney, a well-known pinball savant, had no comment.  The status of the Counselor's cleats is currently under investigation as well.  The two raised quite a ruckus at the Free House.The next ride is the Insane Dane.  It is a 35 mile mile route that winds us through Dane and an old Viaduct circa 1800s.  Feel free to shorten the ride by making it an out and back.Link to Insane Dane RouteInsane Dane Cue Sheet Draft Responsibly,BrickO 


No road bike? No desire to ride 30miles? No Problem. Here is another option for tonight.


Riley Route Unlocked