Boys and Girls Club Ride July 18
Here is another ride opportunity. Unity is asking our help to support the Boys and Girls Club by riding with their team. I've done this in the past and had fun (not to mention acquiring a free jersey). Please read email below if you are interested.The purpose of this email is to ask that you again consider joining Team UW Health/Unity this year AND invite a friend along for a great Summer afternoon supporting the Dane County Boys and Girls Club!!The Team UW Health/Unity Goal this year is to have over 65 riders and raise $25,000 supporting the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club Bike website will be up and running soon to sign up and start getting ready for the ride on July 18, so please save the date now. There will also be a citywide Kickoff on April 22 from 5:30-7:30 in Fitchburg . More information will be shared as available. All past and prospective riders are invited. You can Sign Up to attend now, we hope to see you there. The Boys and Girls Club Ride website: The online link to sign up for the 4/22 Event: 2015 Bike 4 BGC Launch Party RegistrationNew Site: McGee Farms Park Fitchburg, WisconsinWe have outgrown the Edgewood site, so the event will be moving to Fitchburg. The same family friendly activities will be on again this year, with a lunch and celebration after all bikers return from the 8, 25 or 50 mile rides. We have enclosed a sample of this year’s jersey and also a Save the Date Poster. The new location will also make it much easier to get out on the course and riders will not have to traverse the crowded city streets.Your support and participation again will be greatly appreciated. Let’s get out there and recruit additional riders for Team UW Health/Unity and start making plans for a great time, raising funds for a great cause on July 18.Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either one of us; Lisa Riehl,, phone 263-9891 or Mark Hamilton,, phone 270-5624Hope to see you out there on the roads!Sincerely, Lisa and MarkMark Hamilton, FACHEVice President UWHCExecutive Director Wisconsin Dialysis, Inc.Phone 608-270-5624Email: